Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days

Let me first introduce myself again since there maybe new readers to my lovely blog. Haha. 

Hi I'm Kaitlyn. I have many nicknames Katie Mac, Kait, KK, etc.  I'm 23 about to be 24 in 6 days. Oh goodness.
 I started to blog to get out my anger, my thoughts, etc. 

Now it is a completely different. Haha. I write about love, my weight loss journey,  my struggles, etc.  However I have been thinking about this blog and sometimes I just have those days I don't want to blog anymore. 

However God has shown me these past few days why I have this space. I have it to encourage people, have them do the same for me, and so much more.

 So this blog is about to go under a transformation. It is going to be better then ever.  So get ready. 

The first change is I'm about to start a journey of 31 days. I will be writing about 

I have not written about my faith in so long. It is long overdue. God has been really pushing me write about it, but just like Moses I gave excuses. That I wasn't good enough for this, that I couldn't commit 31 days to this, and so much more. 

So are you ready to join me on this journey!? I sure am!! 



Ps I will still be writing about other things as well on different blog posts. :).  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weigh In Wed

So I'm back on the Weigh In Wed band wagon!! :). 

So I'm going to reintroduce myself. 

Hi I'm Kaitlyn. I'm 23 about 24 in 11 days. I have been overweight since I was 11 to 12.  I have finally wanted to do this weight loss journey for me. I want to be healthy, hot smokin bod, etc. haha. 

At the beigining of Aug. I went back to Weight Watchers. :). I started at 246 lbs which was the 2nd heaviest I have ever been. 

I also started to see a trainer almost a month ago. It will be a month the 28th. I go 3 times a week sometimes 4 if I can. 

I have now lost 10 lbs altogether!! :) I have 2 more lbs until 5%. 

Thanks for reading!!



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sept Goals

Hey Everyone!! :).  I'm showing how my Sept goals came out. 

September Life Goals

Lose at least 10 pounds

I lost 10 lbs!!! :) I'm so happy!! :) I'm 2 lbs away from 5 %!

Drink 120 or more oz of water everyday 

I need to drink more water. I haven't been drinking as much as I should. 

10 burpees everyday minus Sunday. Send to Brad how long it took me. 

I only missed this once. I'm getting better at those stinkin burpees. 

Don't cheat on my 21 Day Diet

I only cheated once. 

Also write down everything I eat and give it to Brad 

I did. :). 

Workout 4x a week with Brad 

I have not missed a workout. :) I also will be working for a month on the 28th. :) wow!! :) 

Sign up for Warrior Dash in November. 

Did it. I'm so so nervous about it. 

September Love Goals

1. Pray for JBK when I get up and pray for him over the phone at night. 

I have not been doing a lot of my love goals to be honest. Expect for number 4. 

This month has been a hard one for us. We fought a few times. 

We have only seen each two times. I am going to see him Sat and he's going to spend the night at my parent's house. 

We finally talked about our conflicts so we know how to resolve it. So yeah!! 

Also Kalyn's post last week about 5 tips of long distance relationship helped out a bunch! I so needed that post thank you Kalyn!! :) 

2. Ask JBK if he has any joys or concerns every night. 

3. Start Grace for The Good Girl. 

I haven't started to read it yet. I'm reading somethingelse. 

4. Plan exciting anniversary stuff for JBK

I can't wait to give my presents to him!! I can't tell y'all since he reads this blog!! Haha. 

Can't wait to show y'all next months goals!! :). 



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Struggle

Since I got home in beginning of August I hate to admit this but I have been struggling. 

It is hard being back at home when I have been "away" for 5 years. A lot has changed since then. 

I lost my home church to put it nicely an egocentric pastor. So now my family is going to a different church. There is not a young adult group there. So now I'm looking for a women's small group to keep me accountable. 

I also have a few friends here too. I was never the girl with the tons of friends in school. I always had a few select friends. Most of them are younger then me so they are now at college. My few friends here either working or always busy.

I also have been struggling with long distance with JBK. It is so hard. It was so much easier when we were at school. Now with both of us having jobs it is hard. I have been very selfish lately. I just want him to all myself when I know I can't. It is also hard going a few days without talking to him. He has a lot on his plate right now. I just have to keep reminding myself that I will see him less then 2 weeks and my birthday is the week after that. Then our 1 year 3 weeks after that.  

I also struggle because this is the first  time I committed to workout out this long. It will be almost a month in 10 days.    
I'm so glad I am keeping up with it though. :) Even when I cry and want to throw up and sometimes I do. I know I doing it for myself. I also can see my hard work paying off. I am so proud of myself as well. I also love y'all's continued support. 



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Weigh In Thursday

So I have updates about my weight since 2 weeks ago. Last week I was up .6 lbs. I was not a happy camper. I also knew because I weighed at night instead of morning. So I weighed yesterday and I lost 3.1 lbs!!! :) yeah!!! 

Now I'm so close to my first goal 1.7 away from 5% and I lost my 10 lbs mark!! So proud of myself!! 

I am still working out 4x a week. I am also getting better at burpees. I also trying to decide what I'm going to do on my off days not working out. I'm not as sore as I was the first day.



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where Were You When??

12 years ago our nation was attacked on US soil. It seems like yesterday. I was only 11 at the time. Just a baby. First year of middle school. Only been in middle school for a month. 6th grade. 

I woke up early morning. I had Middle school Breakfast Club where you eat at McDonalds with kids your age and have a short devotional. 

My first class was science class. It was so boring. 

My second class was PE that's when I found out. A guy came running to my line telling us a plane had the hit the  twin towers. I didn't know what the twin towers were or where it was located. Then one of the girls in my pe class started to cry because it was her birthday. We then heard it was New York and another girl started to cry because her dad was on a plane to NYC. 

One of the PE coaches brought the tv in. We also saw the second plane hit the second tower. Left and right were crying. People started to get checked out. 

The next five periods my teachers didn't turn the tv on. The older grades did, but the 6th grade teachers wanted to make it normal as possible. 

When I got home all I could do was cling to my mom as we watched the news. 



Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hey Everyone!! :).

So I haven't blogged since last week. It has been crazy here in my life. From waking up at 5:45 to working out every MWF at 6:15 to working from 7-7. I'm dead meat when I get home. I also been feeling like I need to redo my blog and start all over. 

So I'm about to start blogging on a regular basis. :). :). 

So I'm going to reintroduce myself for the time being. :). 

Hi my name is Kaitlyn. I am 23 about 24 in October which I can't believe I am. I graduated in May 2013 from Huntingdon College with a degree in history. I love history however God has called me to be a librarian either in the teen department in a public library or middle school or high school. Right now I'm a nanny for adorable 2 year old little girl.  I have an amazing family. 2 parents who have been married almost 29 years and 2 sisters one is 21 and one is almost 16.  I am in the process of losing over 100 lbs. I am doing it for me and my health.I know there's a skinny bikini model  (hahaha) in this body. I have an amazing boyfriend of almost 1 year named JBK. :). He's everything plus more. I have some amazing in real life and blog friends. They are some of  my  biggest supports. I am a Christ follower. God really changed my life these past 4 almost 5 years.  I have lived in Alabama my whole life.  I am an avid reader. I love books so much. I love to laugh and hug. I care more about people then I do myself however I am working on caring about me now.  I love to travel and wish I could do more because a lot of my blog friends live out of state. I also love tv shows. :)  that's about it. If you want to know more just ask. 


Kaitlyn, Kait, KK, Katie Mac 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Goals!

Hey guys. So Claire the little girl I'm a nanny for deleted my last post. She loves  my phone.  A lot of my blog girlfriends have been making goal posts so I wanted to start too. 

September Life Goals

Lose at least 10 pounds 

Drink 120 or more oz of water everyday 

10 burpees everyday minus Sunday. Send to Brad how long it took me. 

Don't cheat on my 21 Day Diet

Also write down everything I eat and give it to Brad 

Workout 4x a week with Brad 

Sign up for Warrior Dash in November. 

September Love Goals

1. Pray for JBK when I get up and pray for him over the phone at night. 

2. Ask JBK if he has any joys or concerns every night. 

3. Start Grace for The Good Girl

4. Plan exciting anniversary stuff for JBK