Saturday, December 22, 2012

Things I Learned in 2012

I have been thinking about writing a post of some of the things I learned this year.
2012 you have been such an up and down year for me. Some are serious and some are funny. :)

1. The world didn't end on Dec. 21st 2012. My 14 year old self is now rejoicing.

2. Crying is good for the soul.

3. Blogging your feelings helps tremendously.

4. The Fault in Our Stars is John Green's best book to date.

5. Never stay with someone who makes you unhappy. ( MAG)

6. Getting courage was one of the best thing I have done this year.

7. Having someone who pursues you is worth it.

8. Someone who likes you even your flaws and doesn't want to change them is awesome!!

9. Being best friends and being each other significant other is key.

10. Be with someone that friends and family love.

11. Learning that your past relationship was a toxic, depressing, etc. relationship and not what relationships are about.

12. Having blog friends is amazing. Even tho I wish they lived closer.

13. Hot bubble baths are amazing.

14. Having JBK in my life makes me so blessed. Distance really makes the heart grow fonder.

15. Knowing your significant other's love language. :) Quality Time. And mine is a tie for that and physical touch.

There's so much I learned this year. Here's to next year. 2013 I am ready for you!! :)

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