Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Weight Post

I have struggled with my weight since I was 11. So 12 years of having extra weight. I have been on and off diets so many times I have lost count.

However I started Weight Watchers last summer. I lost a good amount for my best friend's wedding. Then I started school. I kept up with for a bit then I failed miserably.

So when I went to Dr. a few weeks ago. That was my hugest wake up call ever.
When I looked at that number staring back at me was a big shot in the gut.
It said 245. I promised I never would get to 250 and there it was 5 lbs and I would be.

So I joined a gym week before I got sick. Then I did not want to work while sick did not anyone having it because of me.

I also started to do Weight Watchers again.

So today I started my journey. I will be strength training along with cardio 5x a week. Every time I will go a different part of the body. Today was arms and back.

Weight Watchers wise I weighed at 236.4 lbs. I will go early Wednesday mornings for the meeting and weigh in.

I saw another blogger who is trying to lose 100 lbs. she does a thing called weigh in Wed. I have decided to do the same thing. It will help me accountable and show y'all my progress.

There are 3 girls that are my fitness inspirations and biggest supporters. I love them so much!! Abbey, Kate, and Katie!!

There are many reasons why I want to do this. I will be explaining that next week.

My first goal is to lose 10 lbs!! :)

But the ultimate goal is to lose 110 lbs

Thanks again!!




  1. me too me too me tooooooooo. thank you for being so transparent on your blog. it's a great place to open up, isn't it?
    love to you,

  2. a weight loss blog I love is! good luck, you can do it!

  3. 10 lbs? Easy peasy. You got this girrrrll :)

    (not that it actually will be easy. I just believe in you!)

  4. I'm starting a weight-loss journey too.
    Weigh In Wednesday is SUCH a great idea!
    I definitely will be joining in on that.

  5. So proud of you for making the goals to change your life! We will be cheering you on!
