Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days

Let me first introduce myself again since there maybe new readers to my lovely blog. Haha. 

Hi I'm Kaitlyn. I have many nicknames Katie Mac, Kait, KK, etc.  I'm 23 about to be 24 in 6 days. Oh goodness.
 I started to blog to get out my anger, my thoughts, etc. 

Now it is a completely different. Haha. I write about love, my weight loss journey,  my struggles, etc.  However I have been thinking about this blog and sometimes I just have those days I don't want to blog anymore. 

However God has shown me these past few days why I have this space. I have it to encourage people, have them do the same for me, and so much more.

 So this blog is about to go under a transformation. It is going to be better then ever.  So get ready. 

The first change is I'm about to start a journey of 31 days. I will be writing about 

I have not written about my faith in so long. It is long overdue. God has been really pushing me write about it, but just like Moses I gave excuses. That I wasn't good enough for this, that I couldn't commit 31 days to this, and so much more. 

So are you ready to join me on this journey!? I sure am!! 



Ps I will still be writing about other things as well on different blog posts. :).  


  1. I very much enjoy biographical studies in the Bible and look forward to seeing which characters you choose to write about. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh I can't wait to read through this 31 day CAN do it! I have faith in you!!! And please do NOT quit blogging altogether. Take a break if you need to (just been there & done that); but PLEASE don't quit! I AM one of those people who need your encouraging words along the way! I know I don't comment every day (I really need another hour or two in each day), but I read them. So keep 'em coming sister!
